Using a previously cut block that could depicted the sun or moon - I printed the circle in gold on white paper - then cut out a block with silhouettes of birds in flight and printed that second block over the gold.
I took a previously done torn paper art picture that I had completed. Took a photo of it and then applied my cartoon software to get a black and white image that was just a line drawing of the original piece. Using the cartoon as my model, I drew the picture on white paper and colored it in with caryons and then batik'ed the image.
I sketched a picture of the tower of the Cathedral at Mt Ste Michel on rice paper - transposed it on a sheet of pre-printed paper and then highlighted some of the lines with ink
Marion Burkholder gave us a hostess gift at our brunch last Sunday - the gift was wrapped in a botanical patterned fabric - I used the fabric to draw, paint and batik lilies of the valley on it.